This review originally appeared in the Star Tribune newspaper (Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn.) on Sunday, January 11, 1998.

Local: Pop/Rock
LORI WRAY, "Safely Crass"

This singer-songwriter never made it out of the Twin Cities despite some close calls with talent-rich, critically acclaimed bands (Lori Wray and the Various, Mandrakes, Everthread). Fortunately, she used her up-and-down decade to hone a melodic original style and a sharp, observant eye (as on the song "MTC 1990"). And she's not afraid to turn that eye on herself, allowing listeners an uncontrived view of her struggle for meaningful contentment as a modern woman. Though many songs seem inspired by exasperation, Wray posesses a natural musical variety and flashes of delicious wit, as on "Zsa Zsa Stole the Apple," a true story involving Wray's mom, a certain fading movie star and a missing pageant prize. Goodness prevails more than once on this stellar, overdue debut album.

— Jim Meyer, local-music columnist

Lori's Mom with Apple

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